Reject Humanity: Return to Monkey is and Alternate Control game about letting loose, having fun….Make monkey noises, stomp your feet, beat your chest - APE OUT! Developed using the Unity engine and an Arduino Leonardo kit, this game is not available to play… but the video should give you an idea what it’d be like to play the game.

Made as my contribution during a Alt-ctrl games class in hopes of entering ALT.CTRL.GDC convention, this game was a fun experiment to explore gaming with unconventional controllers, control schemes & interfaces.

More about Reject Humanity

Made as school project during my Masters degree at UC Santa Cruz - This game represents where my mind goes when given free reign of project, and what I can do using some limited resources inside an Arduino Leonardo set.

The custom controller for this game involved attacting the circuit you see here attached to a monkey costume to add the performance of playing this game.

I documented the creation and process of creating this game on my GitHub.

If you’d like to learn more about the development process and electrical components I used to make the controller for the game, click the image below.

Click To Check Out The Making Of Reject Humanity on GitHub


Kon Pon
